Regain & Sustain Dementia Program
Our approach with Drama Therapy in the management of dementia makes use of the well established therapeutic method to achieve cognitive enhancement. This leads to a better outcome for people living with dementia and their carers. Although drama therapy has been well established overseas in residential care facilities, we have applied the same techniques to a community care model. We can offer services that will extend existing community facilities into supporting a restorative model of care. These services are:
Regain - a 12-week therapeutic programme of sessions provided by a team of experienced practitioners to raise participants’ skill level of communication; improve motor skills and cognition; and resolve psycho-social issues.
Sustain - a programme provided by trained carers designed to maintain the skills level which participants gained during the Regain programme
Training and Support for carers
The key aspects of our approach are:
Improvement in quality of life of persons living with dementia
Demonstrable, tried and tested techniques.
Cost-effective through trade off against high-cost residential care
Measurable effects on persons living with dementia, budget
Practical to grow quickly from a pilot to a national delivery model